

Some Tips to improve your typing speed

Hello Everyone for better performance and making your typing speed same we have some tricks

to do . So without wasting our time Lets See Tips And Tricks .

Tricks for Typing Fast Typing 

Prem Yadav Zadav - 19/10/2020

Here are a few tips that will save you lots of time when typing documents:

  • Move the cursor quicker to the beginning of the previous word by pressing CTRL+Left Arrow, instead of doing it manually.
  • To get the cursor to the beginning of the next word, use CTRL+Right Arrow.
  • Recover a deleted item with ALT+Backspace.
  • Delete an entire word by pressing CTRL+Backspace.
  • Select a word you want to highlight quickly, without dragging the mouse, by double-clicking on it.
  • Highlight a whole paragraph by triple-clicking on it.
  • Make superscript and sub text by pressing CTRL + = for sub, and CTRL+ Shift for superscript.
  • Paste in plain text and not what was originally formatted, after copying, by pressing CTRL + Shift + V.

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